Seconds Sale

Seconds Sale
A unique selection of Seconds. We have an abundance of imperfect seconds that are up to 70% off. Beautiful in their own unique way.
NEW Seconds now available in:
Colourful 1 x piece
Neutral tone 1 x piece
Mixed box of 3 x pieces
Mixed box of 7 x pieces
While stock lasts.
You will receive a mixed range of products with glaze imperfections, crawling, small cracks, exterior chips, old stock, or just a perfect cup that a lid doesn’t fit right. Sizes, shapes and imperfections will vary.
If you have a preference in glazes/sizes - let us know in your order notes and we will do our best to select something we think you will like - depending on the stock that is available.
T&Cs - no returns on seconds as these are one offs, randomly selected mixed boxes only.